Tortilla Pizzas in the Toaster Oven!


I love making these little pizzas. I love pizza in general and I could eat it everyday! Even when its bad its good! But these are GOOOOOD! Flour tortillas make awesome mini thin crust pizzas.

Here are the ingredients I use:

  1. Flour tortillas
  2. pizza sauce
  3. cheese
  4. oregano
  5. red pepper flakes
  6. garlic powder
  7. and parsley

I always start by popping the flour tortillas into the toaster oven first to let them crisp up a little bit! I usually set the toaster oven at 325, and pop these in for a couple minutes by themselves! Sometimes they blow up into balloons inside the toaster oven but once you take them out they deflate. Or I take scissors are cut a little strip into the tortilla to help prevent it from blowing up!

Then I take them out of the oven, use a spoon to put the pizza sauce on and spread it around.

Then I add the cheese. I like to use Monterey Jack and Sharp Cheddar. Then I sprinkle garlic powder, red pepper flakes, and oregano on top and pop them in the toaster oven!


Two flour tortillas fit nicely in our toaster oven. I keep them in there on 325 until I feel like they’re crispy enough and the cheese is nicely melted and bubbling.


I like to cut up fresh parsley and sprinkle it on top of the pizzas once I pull them out of the toaster oven! They add color and a nice taste.


Yummmmm! The ends are always nice and crispy!


These are seriously so easy to make and they’re really delicious! They come in handy if you’re ever just craving pizza! I’ve made them using plain old marinara sauce before and they’re really good like that to! Enjoy!



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